CEO Today - Executive Coaching Awards 2022
CEO Today Exe cut i ve Coa ch i ng Awa rds 202 2 - UNITED KINGDOM -
Navid N zemian “My name is Navid Nazemian. My professional career started in sales, where I spent six years. I then moved to human resources, a function that I am deeply passionate about. I have spent the last two decades CEO of Navid Nazemian Executive Coaching FZCO
working for some of the world’s most admired organisations at country, regional and global leadership level, in both emerging and developed markets. Most recently, I was the Global Head of HR at Vodafone, based in London and working in the company’s global HQ. My recent recognition as HR‘s Most Influential Practitioner by the HR Magazine has been a humbling acknowledgement of my HR career and impact. I have been fortunate enough to work for some of the world’s most admired companies, such as Adidas, GE, BAT, Roche and Vodafone. As a Head of HR, I have been a buyer of coaching services throughout my career, and I have always been fascinated by the transformational results in leadership as a result of effective coaching. At some point, I felt ready to embark on a coaching journey myself. And after some consultation with coaches and coaching organisations, I chose a three-year coach training track that took me across three continents, and which is exclusively taught by Master Certified Coaches (MCCs). My employers have been supportive of my coaching on the side, as coaching senior executives is obviously very beneficial to the work that I do as a senior HR leader.“
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