CEO Today - Executive Coaching Awards 2022

CEO Today Execut ive Coaching Award s 2022 - USA -

Madeleine Homan Blanchard Chief Coaching Architect of The Ken Blanchard Companies

• write and speak on the topics of leadership, the coach approach for leaders, building a coaching culture and how the latest developments in social neuroscience can help coaches; • coach senior leaders and the executive sponsor of the coaching engagement in organisations. I am currently working on a Blanchard Leadership Coach Certification, which we are piloting with our coaches and will launch to the public in Q3 of 2023.

What are your prime focuses in your role as Chief Coaching Architect?

In my role as a subject matter expert in how companies can use coaching in all its forms, I: • oversee the quality of our coaches, starting with ensuring we hire only the best; • continually improve our coaching systems so that our coaching clients get the most out of their coaching and our client sponsors and stakeholders are delighted with the results of the coaching; • help our international partners to develop their coaching strategy and avoid mistakes we have made; • stay abreast of leadership, coaching

How do you work to achieve your goal of ‘creating a coaching culture’?

Like any culture work, creating a coaching culture is always a work in progress. It requires behavioural role modelling as well as constant reinforcement from top leadership. Because every company must decide for themselves what they mean by a coaching culture, no two cultures will look the same. For most companies, simply defining what they mean by coaching is a first step that takes a lot of work.

and neuroscience research and developments in the coaching industry;

• support customisation of our Coaching Essentials® content, which equips managers and leaders with a coaching mindset, a coaching process and core coaching skills;

Many companies never make it past that first step, or they skip it altogether, which is a common cause of

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