CEO Today - Executive Coaching Awards 2022

CEO Today Execut ive Coaching Award s 2022 - USA -

Victoria Hepburn Founder of Hepburn Coaching

When did you decide the time was right to found Hepburn Coaching?

experience and mindfulness training set me apart from most business coaches.

Now, several years later, the business has grown to a full-time organisation that reaches professionals all over the world. As a public speaker, bestselling author and business coach, I have found so many more ways to continue to support professionals working to solve some of the planet’s most complex challenges. These professionals work with gracious tenacity, honour and dignity and increasingly do not feel that their work is aligned with their values. It is a gift to share tools and space for them to transform their lives and work without quitting or taking massive breaks. I knew I had to try business coaching when I saw friends achieve amazing results without needing to spend lots of extra time at work or getting more formal education. When I first worked with a business coach during my sales career, I shifted my perspective on my challenges and won the President’s Club Award (the highest sales award in the company) and a free luxury island vacation. Now that I have become a certified business transitions coach, I am still inspired by the massive transformation that our clients achieve. Getting coached helped me to shift my view of my challenges and once I saw the high-level view, I was inspired. The power to rise above the office politics, What was it that initially drew you to business coaching?

Hepburn Coaching grew out of my need to help myself and other professionals who struggled with work/life balance and big career goals. I was able to break my own cycle of work-related burnout by making time for my interests and values. As colleagues and clients saw the positive change in my mood and health, they would ask what I was doing. I ended up sharing my story to help others heal their burnout behaviours. In those conversations, people would often share their work challenges and goals and ask me for help. Since I did not feel comfortable just giving advice, I enrolled in a coaching certification program. I did this while I was in a fast-paced sales role, traveling around the country and flying thousands of miles each month. I could not ‘wait for the right time’ because it felt like people were waiting on me to get better at asking curious questions and creating a space for them to find their own solutions. Once I earned my coaching certificate, I couldn’t wait to start Hepburn Coaching as a side business with a limited client roster and a free conference call line. With my first two years, I learned that my corporate

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